November 24, 2014

A Week of Gratitude

Choose to be grateful for your life and everything that exists in it. You only get one life to live. Every day is an opportunity to appreciate the gifts that exist within it. Now, more than ever, be grateful for the gifts you have been given.

Give Thanks - 100PedalsThere are times where the darkness of the moment overshadows all that could be celebrated in our lives. In a moment of dark reflection one can easily focus on what is missing instead of what exists.  Or, focusing on what exists as bad, failing to notice all the good that is actually present.

Adversity of any kind is disruptive. It can elicit a wide variety of inferior emotions. Despite the attention we let it garner, the adversity that exists is not the accurate picture of our life.  It is the part of the picture we have a tendency to zoom in on most. In reality, each of us has so much more; we simply need to do a better job of seeing and celebrating it.

There is a great deal of blessings in your life provided you take time to look for it, to celebrate it, and give thanks for it.

Do something special this Thanksgiving – commit to a week of gratitude. Make a daily commitment this week to discover and focus on something that is truly a wonderful component in your life. Take a moment to pause, get quiet, still your mind, and give thanks for those aspects of your life that is good and brings you joy. Give thanks for all of them. Focus on what makes their existence in your life a blessing. Find joy in acknowledging its presence.

Make time to share your gratitude for those gifts. Make them the focal point of your thoughts whenever you can. Give those gifts the highest priorities of your attention above and over the adversities that are so easily distract you.  You will find that as you get better at focusing on the gifts in your life, the stronger and more inspired you will be as you recognize the impact of their presence.

Happy Thanksgiving in this week of Gratitude.  Peace!

100Pedals has just released two FREE programs for parents. “Addiction and theFamily: Four Guidelines to Embrace” is an audio progam that provides parents perspective for dealing with addiction in the family. To obtain your digital download click here. “Addiction Conversation” is a weekly podcast where Dave Cooke interviews parents, those in recovery, counselors, and legal experts to provide their perspectives from their experiences with addiction. To listen to an individual session click here or to download the podcast to I-Tunes click here.






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About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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