March 23, 2015

Whatever It Takes

“The depth of your success is measured by the intensity of your Commitment.” ~ Cooke, 2011 A big theme for those dealing with addiction – be it a loved one or the person themselves in the battle –revolves around change. In previous blogs, I have declared that “nothing changes until you do.” Change is required […]

featured, Parenting and Addiction
March 19, 2015

Fighting the Addict Label: Personalizing Every Addiction Story Today’s conversation features Jennifer Miller – a mom with two perspectives to her addiction story. As a professional therapist, she works with young adults and their families dealing with the issue of addiction on a daily basis. As a mom, she witnessed the devastating effects of addiction through her 27 year old son’s opioid […]

March 16, 2015

It is time you took back control!

“No matter how dark the present appears, I choose to live for the promise of the future and celebrate the opportunity to learn and grow in the process.” Even in the most normal of times, life often presents us with difficult, challenging days. Several years ago, there were many days where my son’s addictive choices […]

featured, Parenting and Addiction
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