June 30, 2014

If Love was only enough

Please try to remember that if love was enough, all our children would be saved. Addiction is a powerful monster, so difficult to overcome. My prayer is for each of you to find strength through your journeys and for your sons and daughters to overcome… This was the hardest lesson – that my love was […]

Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized
June 27, 2014

The Gift of Love and Understanding

This past spring I completed a 7700 mile journey across the United States. My trip, officially known as the 100Pedals Drive N Bike, took me through 20 states and 16 cities where I made eighteen presentations on my experiences and perspectives as a dad dealing with a son’s heroin addiction. My audiences ranged from treatment […]

June 23, 2014

Jail and Love

My addicted child went to jail today. It’s such a shame. He had just gotten his life back together since he got out of jail three months ago. He appeared to be doing well, despite a couple of slips. He had a full time job, a girlfriend, a place to live, and a car. Everything […]

Parenting and Addiction
June 16, 2014

What are you working on?

“Either you are working on your recovery or you are working on your relapse.” Yes, I said this. I said it to my son. Frustrated by his commitment to self-manage a recovery program that lacks focus, hard work, and a high standard for continuous improvement and progress, I made the statement. Someday he might understand there […]

Parenting and Addiction, Uncategorized
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