March 13, 2014

The power in completely letting go

I recently read a very insightful and short article about “Rewarding Recovery” by Jill Cox.  What I loved about this article was how Jill challenged people to recognize that change requires letting go.  Not only letting go of what we need to let of; but, the willingness to let go of everything because of the […]

March 5, 2014

The story of my next journey

For those who know me, follow me, and have learned more about the story of my experiences with Brandon’s addiction, you are aware of my path thus far. Over the past five years I have ridden the emotional roller coaster of addiction and have also celebrated the incredible transformations that started with my one hundred […]

Parenting and Addiction
March 3, 2014

Love isn’t the only ingredient

If love were the only missing ingredient toward the solutions in our challenges, life would be much simpler.  Having spent countless hours over the past few years speaking with parents about their child’s addiction and the crazy, insane, and bizarre experiences relating to it, one thing is for certain these parents love their children. When […]

Parenting and Addiction
February 24, 2014

The conversations we need to be having

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — speak only of those things.” Philippians 4:8 I was thinking about the voice in my head this morning. There is a lot of worry, doubt, fear and concern operating […]

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