November 18, 2013

Escape is easier than you believe!

Many times I catch myself letting my mind wander, wishing I could simply escape what is going on around me.  You know that feeling when the chaos, confusion or tensions of the day offer much turmoil and little escape.  Those moments are akin to the old Calgon TV ads where the exasperated mom cries out, […]

November 14, 2013

How to find what you are looking for

We cannot have, do, receive or create in others what does not exist within us first.   Everything we seek — love, affirmation, leadership, approval — must first be discovered from within before it can be fully integrated into our life.   Once that essential component exists internally, is understood and assimilated into one’s being, […]

November 11, 2013

Innovation first exists in the imagination

The answers to new, complex problems cannot be solved by simply applying previous solutions to them.  For there is no imagination, creativity, or innovation in applying an old solution to a unique, difficult, and confusing situation. It is in our human nature to rely on what we know to help us understand what we don’t. […]

November 4, 2013

Turn off the label maker

In the midst of a conversation last week, the person I was sharing perspectives with changed the course of the conversation by asking me about my political/social ideology.  Even though I did proceed to share my perspectives and values, I found the question frustrating and disappointing.  This happens far too often in our society!! I […]

October 21, 2013

I hate being stuck…

What does stuck look like to you? I know we have all been there.  Some, I am certain are sitting there right now.  Stuck. When I think of stuck, I think back to a time in college when a friend of mine was into taking his four wheel drive truck out and getting it covered […]

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