September 6, 2011

Change Starts With You

When you observe something in need of improvement, change, correction, or elimination and take no action – you have accepted the status quo and relinquished your right to complain about it.  Years ago I worked for a manager that would challenge me to be accountable for anything that I observed was, in my view, not […]

August 29, 2011

Transformational Change

While we often can’t anticipate, predict, or see the change that’s coming our way, we have the ability to embrace it as an opportunity to transform our current situation for the positive. Whether we plan for it or not, change happens.  There are many times when we least expect it, are not prepared for it, […]

August 22, 2011

Making a Difference

“The character of our being — who we are — enables us to offer our gifts to others in a manner that supports, strengthens, and inspires them to be great in their own right.” In the midst of the furor of the recent debt debacle and the extended election season, we have experienced a near […]

August 15, 2011

Learning from Eldrick

“We are not invincible nor do we need to pretend to be. It is through humility and grace that we discover and utilize our gifts.” ~ Dave Cooke Wonder how many people would even recognize him by his given name of Eldrick.  Most know him as Tiger.  Whether you are a golf fan or not, […]

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