April 29, 2011

Build Your Team

“It is our community that provides us the strength to endure and excel.”

I have always been a passionate fan of the power of teams.  Regardless of the task, the goal, the mission or the vision, no one can accomplish anything great without the engagement of others.  The more engaged and inspired the team, the more powerful and effective the outcome.  In these challenging times, people have learned to build and rely on their community for guidance, strength, and support.

When I first started my 100 Pedals journey, I looked upon it as a solitary journey.  One man demonstrated his love and commitment to his son and to his own personal survival.  I would not have been as energized by the mission if Brandon had not declared that this was my best idea ever.  That push from Brandon ignited a different level of passion.

As I started to share the excitement of my experiences, I discovered others that embraced this mission.  They started to ask about my progress, commented on the quotes, and requested that I share my daily posts.  As more people became engaged, I realized I had been surrounded by a community that was simultaneously being inspired and inspiring me, as well.  Despite the ups and downs of Brandon’s situation, the words of encouragement, the honest sharing of life experiences from others, and the growing interest of this community pushed me, supported me, and excited me.

This is what happens when you engage others on your mission – you create a community that becomes committed and involved in your progress.  Your community is there to support you, push you, hold you accountable, and celebrate with you.  This is why I love engaging a team mentality in everything I do.

Any and every opportunity you have to become involved in supporting, inspiring, sharing with, and listening to others is an opportunity to build your community.  In these challenging times, everyone needs the support of others more than ever.  Be open and receptive to listening to the vision and the challenges of others and be honest and authentic in sharing your story.  Find ways to inspire and support each other.  Build a strong and powerful team around you.  The strength, the energy, and the success you will experience will amaze you.  Your journey is not a solitary walk.  You are never alone and you cannot do it alone—find and build your team.  That is where the real gift of your success lives!

About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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