August 27, 2012

Directions From the Heart

“Fear of failure is the biggest destroyer of great ideas!” I have been back from my drive and bike journey for two weeks.  I still am amazed at all I experienced and discovered.  The time in my car, the unique bike rides in different parts of the countries, and the incredible conversations with others and […]

August 20, 2012

Afraid of the dark?

Always remember, the darkness is part of the light. When you have one, you can appreciate the other. It makes you whole.  ~ Evan Sanders I love those days when I am happiest, have incredible energy, and have the clarity of mind to easily get things done.  Those days are amazing.  I am at peace, […]

August 13, 2012

When You Let Go…

Over the course of this current year, the foundation for most of my decisions, perspectives, and innovations in my life this year have been about embracing “trust.”  This means that whatever is happening around me — directly or indirectly in my life — I am trusting that it is part of my journey.  The decisions […]

August 10, 2012

Redirected in Iowa

Despite the best of efforts to plan a safe and concise route round West Des Moines this morning, I still ended up adjusting my route and found myself off course.  As in life, these things happen.  Click here for the story and my perspectives on it…

August 9, 2012

Fearless and Invincible in Illinois

Last night I had a great opportunity to catch-up with a distant high school classmate in the Chicago area.  This morning we shared a 22 mile bike ride in the country outside Chicago.  I had a great ride, a great conversation, and enjoyed much reminiscing of the old high school days (Graduated 1975).  Now, it […]

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