March 28, 2012

The 100 Pedals Story

Here is where the story begins. It was a little over fifteen months ago when I discovered the severity of my youngest son’s heroin addiction–homeless, in legal trouble, and in jail. Over the last fifteen months, I have driven cross country twice to facilitate a change in his environment, dealt with him getting arrested again, […]

March 27, 2012

Lesson Two: Live With Passion

“Through the uniqueness of our skills, talents, and experiences we discover and realize our passion; we honor and celebrate that gift by freely sharing it with others.” Throughout my life I have pursued and embraced a role based on what I believed I was supposed to be or needed to become.  In essence, I was […]

March 25, 2012

Lesson Four: Make A Commitment

Make a Commitment: “The depth of your success is directly related to the intensity of your commitment.” I have always trusted and believed in my ability to accomplish just about anything when I put my mind to it.  The key to that truth is the “put my mind to it.”  Whenever have focused in on […]

March 12, 2012

Focus on What Matters Most

Success is not measured by what you plan to do, it is measured by what you accomplish.  Celebrate your accomplishments. How many of you organize and manage your life through a to-do list or daily planner?  There was a time when the people who organized, managed, and maintained a detailed list of tasks, responsibilities, and […]

March 5, 2012

Appreciating Every Adventure

“The challenging adventures in your journey are powerful paths designed to provide you strength, awareness and accomplishment for positive, celebratory reflection on the calmer, easier days.” It seems like nothing is ever as fast and easy as we desire.  And, when we do declare our frustration with the process, one of our friends will toss […]

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