“Through the uniqueness of our skills, talents, and experiences we discover and realize our passion; we honor and celebrate that gift by freely sharing it with others.”
Throughout my life I have pursued and embraced a role based on what I believed I was supposed to be or needed to become. In essence, I was an actor in my own life story. I discovered my true passion when I stepped off the stage and became authentic to who I was — embracing the uniqueness of my talents, skills, and abilities to guide, support, and inspire others. In this transformation I am able to live my life with passion.
Accomplishing this occurs in the following steps:
1. Get off the stage:
a. Stop playing a role to something I believe I need to be or to become.
b. Embrace the authenticity of who I am and be the best me I can be.
I have been blessed with a distinct set of gifts, talents, skills, and experiences. It is these unique qualities that define me and make me great. I have abandoned the roles and perceptions that were historically owned, heard, accepted, or used to define what I was or who I believed I needed to become. I am who I am. Being authentically me is how my unique gifts become a resource for others. My honest commitment to be the best me I can be is what enables me to offer guidance, insight, love and inspiration to those looking for what I have to offer.
2. Discover my passion:
a. Identify and embrace who I am, what I love, what gives me energy and joy.
b. Reconnect to those moments in my life where I am happiest, at peace, and fully engaged.
I experience joy, peace, and happiness when I am true to me. I am most energized and engaged when I simply live and celebrate the gifts I have to offer. It is in these moments where I realize and discover the emotional connection to what inspires and excites me. The joy of these experiences is not dependent upon any role I am playing at the time. Rather, they are directly related to my ability to freely live and interact in concert with who I am. I have developed a heightened awareness of the occurrences of these experiences throughout my life. As a result, I am able to manage my environment to make these positive emotional experiences a regular aspect of my current existence.
3. Share my gifts
a. It is through my passion that I am able to connect, engage, and support others to impact change
b. Because my passion is a gift, I must constantly make it accessible and available to others
It is in the open, selfless and collaborative sharing of unique gifts that significant change or incredible accomplishments are realized and celebrated. I continually search for and value those resources that assist me on my journey. Through the insight and inspiration of these resources I learn, grow and succeed. Similarly, it is in the sharing of my gifts that others can discover and celebrate successful outcomes in their lives. As my unique abilities are a gift to me, I am responsible for making these gifts available to others at all times regardless of where I am or how I am on my journey. It is my commitment to always be that resource for others who are looking for what I have to offer. It is in the open collaboration of our gifts and abilities powerful change is affected.