Dave Cooke is a Dad who has been on a roller coaster experience with his son’s ten-year heroin addictio
n journey. He is all too familiar with the pain of failure and disappointment associated with addiction. In his quest to save his son, his business was nearly ruined, his health suffered, and his personal and family relationships were nearly destroyed.
Once he realized how broken his life had become, he began a journey of personal healing and discovery which has completely transformed all aspects of his life, especially in his family and with his son. Through 100Pedals, Dave is committed to changing lives impacted by substance abuse and addiction. His primary focus is on the family, especially dads, who play such a critical role in guiding the family through their own healing journey from their experiences with the chaos of addiction.
The following is a list of programs and resources to help families navigate the chaos of a loved one’s addiction and find healing in their brokenness.
The Addicted Child
Dave Cooke has recently released his book “The Addicted Child: A parent’s guide for navigating the crisis and chaos of a child’s substance use disorder.”
“The Addicted Child” brings applicable, usable guidance to the challenges and struggles of substance use disorder. The guidance and information provided in this book is based on my journey and is designed to provide real time opportunities for other parents to apply the lessons from my journey into the immediate challenges in their life. To learn more…
Healing through Listening E-Book
100Pedals’ “Healing through Listening” E-Book provides a powerful resource for parents seeking ways to effectively communicate with a child struggling with substance use issues. Healing through Listening provides parents with a step-by-step guide for shifting their conversations away from conflict and telling to loving and listening. This process heals relationships and enhances communication and learning.
“Healing through Listening” e-book (purchase your copy)
Sometimes you simply need to talk with someone who has walked the difficult path you find yourself on. I often struggled to find a someone I could trust to share my struggles with. I have been there and am here to help walk your dark moments of confusion out with you.
One-hour coaching sessions with 100Pedals’ Executive Director, Dave Cooke
Uncover personal frustrations and challenges
Share personal experiences and struggles
Facilitate a shift in behaviors and responses
Bring healing to broken relationships
Develop a personal recovery program
Develop a recovery program for the family
Learn more here…
Other Educational Resources
100Pedals is committed to building a resource library of audiotapes, video blogs, and e-books along with all the content which exists in our blogs and podcasts. Please check-in regularly to discover what else has been added to our digital library. To receive notifications when new content is added to the resource library, please register here.
“Three Ways to Rise Above the Addiction Drama” audiofile (download)
“Four Strategies for Avoiding the Chaos” audiofile (download)
“Healing through Listening” e-book (purchase your copy)
Webinar Education
“Parenting and Addiction in the Family“
A six-week webinar series focused on the issues of addiction in the family.
Some of the key components we focus on in this webinar series are:
- communication and listening skills
- building trust
- healing broken relationships
- moving beyond fear and guilt
The schedule for this program has not yet been finalized for 2018.
To learn more about this program and schedule, please contact Dave Cooke via email, dave@100Pedals.com, and he will send the information when it becomes available.