September 3, 2013

Remembering what is most important!

Zoltan Mesko - 100PedalsIn the short time since returning from my amazing bike trip, I have stumbled on a few steps that have slowed the momentum of my mission.  While these were not major setbacks, I was feeling frustrated and disappointed with their occurrence.  While wallowing in my shallow sea of negativity, I stumbled across a story that Zoltan Mesko, a regarded punter from the New England Patriots and former Michigan Wolverine, had been cut.

This story was both a surprise and a disappointment.  Call it a little silly, but I am always emotionally invested in the success of Michigan players as they come out of college in their quest to make it to the NFL.  Generally, regular, reliable, and highly drafted punters like Zoltan rarely are cut.  By all regards he was a popular and reliable member of the team.

I caught myself thinking about the disappointment he must be experiencing as his life took a dramatic turn with one decision.  Then, I read his formal statement and I received his gift of inspiration:

First and foremost, I want to thank the New England Patriots for everything they have done for me. I have nothing but love in my heart as I depart this great organization. Mr. Kraft, the coaches, the strength staff, the trainers, the media personnel, the marketing department, the rest of the amazing staff members at Gillette, and especially my teammates…THANK YOU for all that you have given and have done for me. I want to say that I see the silver lining in things now more than ever, and am a true believer that things DO happen for a reason. This goes out to anyone that will ever come across a mere bump in the road; be thankful, be positive, because there’s a deeper purpose of WHY things happen that we may not yet, or may never come to understand. Just believe. I will miss New England, and more than anything, I’ll be missing the smiles on those kids whom I visited and acted like a goofball in front of. It was ALL worth it. God bless.

Zoltan provided a great reminder of what is truly important and how to respond to those adversities that interrupt our plans:

  1. Be grateful for every opportunity that has been presented to us.  While they may not turn out the way we desire, show gratitude for the opportunity.
  2. Trust that whatever happens, there is a lesson and a blessing that will come from it.  While it may not be obvious or easy, having faith there is a gift in this adversity will guide you through it.
  3. Remember what is most important — that you are here to give and share love at all times with those that need it.  It is not about what you need or want that satisfies the spirit, but what you do to give to others that feeds the soul.

Thanks, Zoltan, for the lesson.  It is time for me to get back to work and change lives!

About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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