January 2, 2012

Skip the Resolutions and Focus on Your Vision

“From a new beginning one finds opportunity, change, hope and a fresh start!”

I have never been one to get caught up in all the New Year’s resolution hoopla.  I have always embraced the desire to change, improve, amend or adjust my life at the time I am aware of it not simply because it is a new year.  As such, I have generally avoided the discussion of any type of resolutions.

This past year has provided me with monumental lessons, a great deal of success and accomplishment, and with a newfound reality for all that every one of us, in our own unique way, is capable of.  And, I accomplished it all without embracing the burden of some type of task based resolution.

What I would like to bring to light are what goes through my head as I start to envision or create outcomes that will bring around change or improvement in my life.  Rather than getting caught up in a list of tasks, chores, or obligations as it relates to a goal of mine – I prefer to focus on the defined outcome and the vision of my success in the coming year.  These outcomes can be measurable outcomes; however, I have attached to the measurable outcome a visual image of my success in the upcoming year.

For example, my vision for next year involves engaging large audiences of five hundred people and sharing my energy for the 100Pedals journey.  I can see myself at the front of the room, energized, engaged, healthy, fit, and having fun with the audience.  And, I also envision my year ending with an extended trip to Tortola, BVI where I have the opportunity to escape, ride my bike, work on my writing, and recharging my batteries.

Both of these visions can be classified as “goals.”  However, I am not going to get bogged down into the details of how to accomplish these goals.  Rather, I am going to focus on the personal challenge that I keep my vision of these accomplishments in mind and consciously make certain that I am working toward these goals every day.

If I made a “To Do list”, the list would overwhelm me.  For every day, I would have to check the list and focus on whether I did or did not do what was on the list.  If I did, I could scratch it off.  If I did not, I would have to carry it over (sounds like work or effort) to the next day.  Eventually, the list would wear me down – all that moving, crossing out, and carryover would be exhausting.  There are far too many tasks associated with defining a goal by all the work that needs to be done.

I choose to be inspired by the opportunity of my vision.  I can freely and clearly focus my energies toward those aspects of my vision that inspire, guide and drive me.  I know exactly what I need to do.  I know exactly what is involved in getting there.  However, I will let the inspiration of the vision motivate, guide, and direct my efforts.  And,  I will make a conscious commitment to do something every single day to move me closer to accomplishment.

From there I am able to celebrate every single day with accomplishment.  I empowered myself to live for this vision every day.  And, I complete every day in the peaceful solitude knowing I am getting closer and closer to my vision.

Next time you want to work on a New Year’s resolution, focus on the vision of the outcome.  From there, empower yourself and make a commitment to yourself to never lose focus and do something to bring it to reality.

Happy New Year!!

About Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke is a dad on a mission. His mission is to help parents get control of their lives over the powerful, destructive influences of a child's addiction. As the father of a son in a ten year heroin battle, Dave knows all to well the challenges parents and families face. He also knows there is a way to find peace in the chaos. It is his mission to help parents discover their path to a healthier, balanced life even if a child's active addiction is still part of their daily journey.

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