December 6, 2016

Overcoming the stigma of addiction with transparency and humility Most family members are terrified about the responses when neighbors, or the people at church, work, or school find out their loved one is addicted to drugs. The stigma of drug addiction and the fear of the judgment that comes with having an addict in your family is a very powerful, negative force. Knowing […]

Addiction in the Family, featured, Uncategorized
November 23, 2016

Why Dad participation is required in this addiction crisis When it comes to a loved one’s addiction, every member of the family responds to it differently. Moms and dads are no exception. In an earlier blogcast, I reflected on why it is critically important for parents to work together and come to agreement on how they are going to respond to this crisis […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
November 14, 2016

When addiction devastates your world Video: It all began with a phone call informing me my son was in jail. What unfolded from that call was a story of homelessness, legal troubles, and a heroin addiction. This is where my addiction journey began. In the early stages I learned all about addiction related behaviors. I received a crash […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
November 8, 2016

When parents are on the same page One of the greatest conflicts that arise as a result of addiction in the family is the impact this has on the parents’ relationship. Moms and Dads respond to the situation and look at the issue from two different perspectives. At some point in the process, as the addiction adversity increases, the […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
November 1, 2016

The consequences of our choices Every parent dealing with the choices and behaviors of child with an addiction struggles with developing and honoring boundaries.  In reality, most parents struggle with clearly defined boundaries and consequences, in general.  Teaching our children and ourselves this lesson is a critical life skill that the entire family benefits from. The process for creating […]

Addiction in the Family, featured
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