January 7, 2011

Riding Life’s Roller Coaster

Day 7: 18.3 miles/1:09  “Some went on the merry-go-round.  That just goes around.  I prefer the roller coaster.” ~ Grandma (“Parenthood”-movie) The movie Parenthood is truly one of my favorite movies.   This is a movie that chronicles the lives of four adult children, their parents and their extremely diverse lives and personalities.  In an earlier segment, […]

January 4, 2011

Your Future Starts Now

Day 4: 20.2 miles/1:15  “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bar Toward the end of the day yesterday, Brandon turned up again.  Amazingly, and to my pleasant surprise, he was very alert, clean, reflective and contrite.  Having […]

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