January 27, 2014

Happiness is not acquired, it is lived and celebrated!

“If happiness is dependent upon obtaining something you desire, you may get what you want; but, you will continually be in search of what is missing.” I woke up with this thought about happiness already crafted in my head.  It is scary when the brain delivers a good morning message with such a clear and […]

January 13, 2014

What are you giving today?

“Anything we desire takes time, effort, energy, patience, consistency, and focus.  Whatever activity required to get there must also include and reflect your commitment to making someone else’s life better as a result of the effort.” I have only one opportunity in this life — to be the person that I have been called to […]

November 25, 2013

Where that inner calm can take us

True peace comes from having the courage to focus on the mission at hand while ignoring the chaos of the storm. Peace is that inner calm that does not distract you from the task at hand so you can focus on what you have committed to without worry, regret, fear, or doubt.  It takes courage […]

October 9, 2013

The fix begins with you!!

We are ALL members of a very large, diverse, and complex community — the human race.  It is unfortunate that we have become so fragmented by ego, hate, fear, despair, judgement and anger.  The situation is rapidly becoming more intense and unstable.  Even more frustrating is that it seems there isn’t anyone capable of or […]

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